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Invasive Species



An Invasive Species is an animal or plant species that is not native to a given area and causes ecological and economic harm by outcompeting native species and taking over habitats. Invasive species can be introduced both deliberately and accidentally. Some are brought in through agriculture or landscaping projects, while others may be intentionally released non-native pets, transported in firewood, or spread through unclean boots and outdoor gear. Additionally, invasive species can spread naturally through water or wind dispersal.
In Northwest Arkansas, invasive species are a significant problem, with some even being sold in markets without consumers realizing their potential harm. In this section, we will explore the dangerous effects of invasive species, provide examples of species to watch out for, and offer tools to help protect the environment from their spread.

“Buffle Grass, an invasive species” by USFWS Headquarters is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

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The Danger of Invasive Species


Invasive species thrive in a variety of ways. Natural selection, or "survival of the fittest," applies to all living things, but invasive species have a particular advantage when introduced to a new environment. They often lack the natural predators or controls present in their native habitats. Whether plant or animal, all invasive species are non-native. Most are fast-growing, reproduce quickly, and tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions. These factors give them an upper hand in competing with native species, especially in areas that have experienced recent disturbances.

An Important Distinction

You might hear invasive species referred to as “exotic” or “alien.” These terms can be problematic for a couple of reasons. First, these words have social connotations that we, as a science-based community, should avoid to better educate the public. Second, “exotic” and “alien” simply refer to non-native species, and not all non-native species are invasive. In fact, most non-native species are harmless when introduced to a new area. If a species doesn’t display the characteristics mentioned earlier, it’s unlikely to become invasive. However, native species are still the wiser choice for any area because they’re better adapted to the local ecosystem.

Some native species, although rare, can behave similarly to invasive species in certain habitats. These are known as nuisance species. For example, the Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana), a native species, grows well in disturbed areas with lots of sun exposure and spreads quickly. In glade habitats—home to rare Arkansas natives like the pygmy rattlesnake and prickly pear cactus—Eastern Red Cedars can overtake the space and alter the habitat, making it unsuitable for these species.

"Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana)" by Plant Image Library is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Invasive species can:

  • Outcompete native species for limited resources

  • Reduce biodiversity

  • Decrease native habitats

  • Reduce available food sources

  • Cause extinctions of native plant and animal species

  • Threaten human health

  • Cost the global economy an estimated $423 billion annually

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Invasive Plant Species

Sericea Lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), also called Chinese Bushclover, is common throughout the Ozarks. At ONSC, we’ve worked hard to remove this invasive plant from our native garden, and we continue to plan for future removal efforts. This plant is in the legume family, with leaves composed of three leaflets and flowers resembling pea flowers. It spreads rapidly by seeds and releases chemicals into the soil that inhibit the growth of other plants. Controlling it can involve herbicides, mulching, or manual removal—though its deep root system makes this a difficult task.

"Chinese Bushclover" by treegrow is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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Other Common Invasive Plants in Arkansas

In addition to the invasive species listed above, Arkansas faces challenges from many other invasive plants that threaten local ecosystems. Here are some other common invasive plants in the region:

  • Kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata): Often called "the vine that ate the South," Kudzu grows rapidly, covering and suffocating native vegetation, trees, and even structures. It spreads aggressively through runners and seeds.

  • Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora): Originally introduced as a living fence for livestock, this thorny shrub quickly spreads and forms dense thickets that choke out native plants. Its seeds are dispersed by birds, making it difficult to control.

  • Privet (Ligustrum sinense and L. vulgare): These fast-growing, semi-evergreen shrubs were once popular for hedges but have since invaded natural areas, forming dense thickets that shade out native plants and alter habitat structure.

  • Autumn Olive (Elaeagnus umbellata): A fast-growing shrub that produces abundant berries eaten by birds, spreading the plant far and wide. It outcompetes native plants by fixing nitrogen in the soil, giving it an advantage in poor soil conditions.

  • Chinese Tallow (Triadica sebifera): Known for its waxy white seeds, this tree invades wetlands, prairies, and forests, altering the natural habitat. It spreads both by seeds and vegetative growth, forming dense stands that displace native species.

  • Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin): Also called silk tree, Mimosa is a small ornamental tree with pink, feathery flowers. While attractive, it invades disturbed areas and riverbanks, outcompeting native trees and shrubs.

  • Nandina (Nandina domestica): Popular in landscaping, this shrub produces bright red berries that are toxic to birds but still attract wildlife, contributing to its spread. It forms dense thickets that suppress native plant growth.

  • Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria): This invasive wetland plant displaces native species in marshes and along riverbanks. It can drastically alter aquatic ecosystems, reducing biodiversity and degrading habitats for wildlife.

  • Chinese Wisteria (Wisteria sinensis): A beautiful but destructive climbing vine, Wisteria wraps around trees, strangling them and overwhelming surrounding vegetation. It spreads rapidly through seeds and root suckers.

  • Wintercreeper or Creeping Euonymus (Euonymus fortunei): Grows across the ground displacing native species. Climbs high into trees, strangling and shading them, and develops seeds that can be spread from the tree canopy.

  • Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus): This deciduous woody vine has been called one of the worst invasive plants on North American soil. It produces an abundance of berries that stay in birds’ stomachs for several weeks, allowing the spread of oriental bittersweet far away from its original location. In addition, oriental bittersweet has a very high germination rate of 95%, and it spreads by underground roots. The vine chokes out desirable native plants by smothering them with its dense foliage and strangling stems and trunks. Bittersweet fruits are toxic to humans and pets.


All of these invasive plants can severely impact Arkansas’s natural ecosystems by reducing biodiversity, altering habitats, and competing with native species. Managing and removing these plants is crucial for the health of local ecosystems.

Invasive Animal Species

Feral Hogs or Swine (Sus scrofa): Native to Europe and Asia, feral swine are considered one of the most destructive invasive species in the United States. Descended from domestic pigs that escaped or were released into the wild, these swine breed quickly and have no natural predators, allowing their populations to spread rapidly. They destroy agricultural and wild plants with their rooting and foraging behavior, and their predation on birds and amphibians pushes these species closer to extinction.

"Feral hogs eating corn" by Laurie A. Paulik, USDA Wildlife Services, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


Ways to Combat Invasive Species

  • Avoid planting invasive species. Research any plant species before adding them to your yard or garden to ensure they are not invasive.

  • Encourage local nurseries to stop selling invasive species.

  • Clean outdoor equipment before moving it to a new location, including boots, backpacks, tents, and boats.

  • Refrain from transporting firewood, as it often harbors insects that could be invasive.

  • Do not release non-native fish or aquatic species into waterways. Dispose of aquarium fish or live bait responsibly.

  • Commit to your non-native pets. Releasing non-native animals into the wild can cause ecological harm. Make sure to properly care for your pets.

  • Report invasive species sightings to your local game and fish commission. You can report to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission here.

  • Plant native species! They are beneficial to the ecosystem. Learn more on our native plant garden webpage. [Insert link]

  • Volunteer for invasive species removal events. ONSC hosts volunteer events periodically. Learn more on our events page. Additional volunteer opportunities across Arkansas are linked below.

    "Removing Invasive Species (MA)" by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region, marked with Public Domain Mark 1


Links to More Information:

More Information on Invasive Species:

  • National Geographic - This site describes invasive species and provides global examples. It also discusses attempts at eradication, both successful and unsuccessful.
    Invasive Specie

  • University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture - This resource details invasive plants, plant diseases, animals, and insects in Arkansas.
    Arkansas Invasive Pests 

  • University of Arkansas Extension - A thorough list of invasive plants commonly found in Arkansas, including species that threaten native ecosystems.
    Invasive Plants in Arkansas

  • National Wildlife Federation - This article discusses how invasive species spread and the dangers they pose to ecosystems.
    Invasive Species

  • USDA: What Are Invasive Species? - Learn more about the definition, spread, and economic and environmental impacts of invasive species.
    Invasive Species Info


Resources on Management and Volunteer Opportunities:


Information on Invasive Species Terminology:

Ozark Natural Science Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit residential field science education center located in Northwest Arkansas

EIN # 71-0705259



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