Welcome to ON(line)SC's Virtual Learning!
Parent Teacher Resources
Ozark Natural Science Center's Virtual Lessons by Topic
Elementary Globe - K to 4 Air Quality Module
GLOBE Program - all ages http://globe.gov
GLOBE Learning Activities - https://www.globe.gov/do-globe/classroom-ready-activities/learning-activities
Environmental Education - all ages www.arkansasee.org
PBS self guided lessons https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/labs/
NASA has some great climate resources. Here are some useful NASA websites and apps about climate change:
https://climatekids.nasa.gov (for younger students)
NASA's Eyes on the Earth software (for desktop and laptop computers)
Earth Now app (for cell phones, iPads, and other mobile devices)
To see all of the educational materials created by the Education Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, go here: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/learn/
SynDaver is hosting weekly online dissections for students who are at home due to the COVID-19 virus. https://www.facebook.com/442499135787657/posts/2830150987022448/?d=n
Positive Physics (online problem bank) now FREE due to school closures
Cornell Lab of Ornithology - all ages